Chess is one of the worlds most favorite games. Starting long ago in history and up until now, people still love this mind boggling game. In fact, people don't just love playing it, some even go to the point of addiction towards the game. In fact, a lot of kings during the medieval period became chess patrons. Whether poor, rich, noble or regular people, it doesn't really matter, this game is loved by all!
So, what is it exactly with chess that people love so much? There are various reasons why people with different cultures, races or even time periods in history played this wonderful sport. If you're deliberating on why you should learn the game, then it would be good to get to know the reasons why other people love playing it. Here are some of those reasons.
F-U-N Says It All
If you'll be asking any chess player, whether professional or newbie, why he or she plays the game, the most common answer you would probably get would be just for fun. Well of course, this kind of response can be relative. However, its just surprisingly amazing to know that t millions, or probably billions of people throughout the world and through history found this game to be one good source of honest fun!
Stress Be Gone!
Playing chess is another considered good output for stress. Although at first glance, when you see professional players play, you may think that their determination to win is accompanied by great stress, it is the contrary for the part of most average players. In support of fun being the reason of playing the game, how can something so fun cause stress, right?
To think of it, how stressful or how stress relieving chess would be for you, would highly depend on how you see the game. If its a source of fun for you, then its a stress-be-gone kind of game for you. If you find it to be a pressuring game where its all or nothing, and you are the type of person who gets frustrated with losing, then it can be a stress inducer for you. However, the general of the population that plays it see it as a stress reliever, still.
Distraction And Concentration
Another reason why lots of people play this game is because of distraction and concentration. Distraction and concentration? How could that be? Well, to start off, most players say that when they get to play chess, they forget everything else including their problems and the likes. Thus, they get distracted for a moment from the negative things that are happening in their lives.
Concentration comes into the picture when they get all hooked up on their play that they get to concentrate for instance on thinking what would be their strategy, next move or even their opponents next move. In fact, concentration is one skill that you must posses, if you really want to advance in this game.
Why do most people play this game? They simply have no choice, they're addicted! A simple answer, yet means a lot. Yes, this game is pretty much addicting, especially when you are able to develop your skills. You just want to know more, and more. From learning new strategies, to analyzing the games of other people, chess addicts just can't get enough of the game!
Chess is said to be an abstract kind of war game. This is not only because the figures are of kings, queens, and military men that seem to symbolize two kingdoms at war with each other, but because the game practically forces you to callously make use of the smallest weaknesses of your opponent. Thus, it is said that chess satisfies every persons killer instincts, whether hidden or not.
It's Healthy
Believe it or not, chess is good for your health! Yes, indeed. Although it doesn't seem to make you sweat like other sports out there and all you'll be doing is sit down and move a couple of small pieces on a checkered board, chess actually benefits your body and someday you might want to thank it for doing so.
According to studies, chess can lessen you risk of having Alzheimer's disease by a maximum of 75%! To think of it, 10% of people above 65 years old have this condition, and that 75% does make a huge difference!
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